And we're back! Where was I? Oh yeah. Gulfapalooza 2011. October. Florida panhandle. This was a really, really good day. I'm still a little groggy from 30 days of
Camp NaNoWriMo so I'm starting off slowly. Here's my next home - although I would imagine that its current residents might have something to say about that - St. Joseph Point Lighthouse, near Point St. Joe, Florida. The light and lens are long-gone, but it is now a beautifully-restored lighthouse on the Gulf of Mexico.
Butterflies! Ridiculously uncooperative creatures. Pretty, though!
Of course, the crabs were totally cooperative.
Okay, if I can't buy the lighthouse, maybe this little build-to-suit island is on the market.
Seeing pines and palms together always intrigues me. I have no idea why.
Lone palm, watching for hurricanes or exploding oil rigs.
No, Camaro, it's not what you were designed for. Relax - a little sandy off-road driving won't kill you!
Thanks for enduring a picture-free June. More coming soon!