Sunday, April 3, 2011

Random Raily Stuff From PoR and Gaithersburg - 2009ish

Train break! Eastbound Q401, with elephant-style power on the lead.

A rare unit train of sulfur tankers, westbound passing Metropolitan Grove Road.

Old Main Line to Baltimore on the left, Metropolitan Branch to Washington on the Right and E. Francis Baldwin's gorgeous Point of Rocks station in-between.

It's a SIGN!

A tiny new tree grows among the bones of an unlucky deer near Point of Rocks.

Point of Rocks Tunnel - west portal. Boo!

Ghost trains and weird noises and shiny rails.

Then this little guy fluttered by.

Sometimes, I love my mistakes.

Rocks was the place to be on this Summer day, as storms and their awesome thunderheads were all over Frederick county all afternoon.

More later. A bit more fun with the baby panda, some funky time exposures in the dark . . . and Carolina Lighthouses. Eventually.


  1. Absolutely fabulous photographs. Are you still taking pictures? I don't see many posted on FB.

  2. Thanks! I'm still shooting, but not nearly as much as I'd like to. Hopefully, having a fun new car will give me the incentive I need to get out of the house more, this year.
