Sunday, September 4, 2011

Of Islands Bald, Moths, Lighthouses and a Pelican. Banks Outer and Coasts Crystal.

I'm back from Camp NaNoWriMo and I'm ready to go. To bed. For a month. But first, here are some more pics from our 2007 jaunt southward along the Outer, Middle and Lower Banks and Crystal Coast of North Carolina. Above - Fort Something-or-other Park, searching for the Bald Head Island Ferry.

Our base of operations for a couple of days - the Sea Vista Motel at Topsail Beach. Cutest motel room ever. It felt more like a beach house.


Old Baldy Lighthouse, on the quaint and exclusive Bald Head Island. The hike from the ferry terminal to the lighthouse in the heat and humidity = rent one of those golf carts, next time.


Chapel on Bald Head Island. I don't know. I just love the chaos of light and shadow and architecture. Nice spot.

Marshes on east side of Bald Head Island. Peace.

Funky moth. Bald Head Island has it all!

And on the crossing, you get a glimpse of Oak Island Light, down past Southport.

Massive. Incredibly tall. Ugly. Boring. Concrete. Oak Island Light Station. I'll bet the view is amazing.

Baby car, riding yet another ferry to yet another adventure on the N.C. Coast. While this pic was being taken, her cigarette lighter was busily melting one of our AC adapter/charger things. No fire, no one hurt - the adventure continued...

(wave wave wave)

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