Let's snap back to real time for a moment. Yes, I'm still scanning. There's a pretty good pile of decent 35mm material still to come. But for now, here are some shots I took last weekend at our own private Bed & Breakfast (and Dinner!) - [Maris]'s parents' house, on Virginia's Northern Neck. Above: Bumblebee, doing some serious bumbling.

Same Bumblebee, loading up on the pollen.

Flowers. Specifically, purple ones.

White ones! With red dots in the middle!

Some kind of woodpecker-y, flicker-y little bird.

Hummingbirds. These little dudes are an incredible challenge, and I will return to get some better photos when it's not 95 humid degrees.

Dragonfly. Electric blue. So cool.

Osprey. Almost fell off the deck to get this hasty shot as he zoomed overhead.

Blue Crab - scuttling. Not sure how he lost his other claw - he was by far the biggest one I saw out there.
That's all for now. See you in a few days!
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