Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Sun Returns To Maine, Just In Time For Portland

After three days of springtime fog, drizzle and gloom, our June 2004 excursion along the coast of Maine turned sunny as we reached Portland. Good timing, as most of the more photogenic lighthouses are from Portland south. Above is the Portland Breakwater Light.

And [Maris]'s shot, complete with context and barge and reflection and whatnot...

...while I was busy shooting this cool fire boat. The vessel to the left is ferrying two fire trucks across the bay.

Another [Maris] masterpiece of composition.

Through a window in Fort Preble, this is Spring Point Ledge Light, with a thorough restoration in process.

Spring Point Ledge, with Fort Gorges in the background.

Springpoint Ledge and the little piece of heavy equipment that could... sit there next to it. Looking cute.

Finishing up, with storm clouds still moving away from the area, this is Cape Elizabeth Lighthouse.

I couldn't decide which shot to use from Cape Elizabeth, so I used them both.

Up next, I might have to post twenty pictures to convey the perfection that is Portland Head Light (yeah - the one from all the postcards and calendars and screen-savers)...

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