Friday, July 23, 2010

Why I Was There In October, 2001

This is one of those posts where the quality of the photographs is admittedly sub-par, but it's okay. It is only partly about the pics, this time. These should have been pictures from a mid-September, insignificant Baltimore Orioles game. This game became significant when it was rescheduled in the wake of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. It became the final game for Orioles legend Cal Ripken, Jr..

It was hard to feel too good about the reason I was able to attend this event, but it was gratifying to be there with the fans to say goodbye to this special athlete, one who is also a really, really good person. His retirement, as well as that of the Washington Redskins' Darrell Green in 2002 (another great guy), were two more nails in the coffin of "my" connection to the 1980s (everyone has a Best Decade, right?), but alas, all things must end. Except the universe and Dick Clark, of course.

I know it made Cal uncomfortable to have the cameras on him 100% of the night, but what can you do?

The last of thousands of trips to the plate.

Man - some people are lucky to get a watch when they retire.


Darrell Green's last day at work for the Redskins was December 29, 2002. His name was added to the stadium's Ring of Fame before the game. Look - balloons!

Tears! Darrell's an emotional guy. But he WILL take that ball away from you and run the other way. He did it over 50 times in his two-decade career.

One last pregame chat with the other defensive backs.

Mr. Green spent a good half-hour after the game doing this.

And this. See ya, Darrell. Thanks for the memories.

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